Break out crayons, markers, and coloring pencils as it is time for the library’s annual
Thanksgiving Coloring Contest! We have so much to be thankful for and we want
to display your best Thanksgiving-inspired artwork! We want to see how you will
make your coloring sheet stand out. The contest is for all ages and you may use
crayons, markers or colored pencils to decorate your page. We will award prizes in the following
categories: ages 5 and under, 6 to 8, 9 to 12, teens, and adults/seniors.
Entries may be picked up and dropped off at the library during business hours.
The Thanksgiving Coloring Contest deadline is Wednesday, November 20.
Submissions will be on display at the library through November.
Be sure to put your age/category and your phone number on the back of your entry.
One winner in each category will be selected and awarded $25.00.
You may print out the coloring page below or pick one up at the library!

Participants may use crayons, markers, and colored pencils but please do not use paint, glitter, stickers, feathers, etc.
Entries may be picked up at the library before the November 21 deadline, or, visit the library’s website to print out your own coloring contest sheet.
Entries will be on display through Thanksgiving and winners will be notified by November 30. Please remember not to put your name on the front of your page – just add it to the back with your age or category and your phone number.
Special guest judges will select one winner from each category: Pre-K, 5 to 8, 9 to 12, teens, adults, and seniors!
Prizes will be awarded in each category.

Thanksgiving Coloring Contest 2022