A Memorial Gift to the Library is a meaningful and lasting way to remember a loved one.
A Tribute or Dedication is a thoughtful gift to celebrate a birthday, honor a graduate or commemorate an anniversary.
Your gift makes it possible for the Jetmore Public Library to enhance its collections and continue to serve as a vital resource for the community.
Your donation will be used to purchase adult, teen, or children’s materials or items in the subject area of your interest. A bookplate will be added to each new item, and a note acknowledging the gift will also be sent.
The Jetmore Public Library’s collection has been greatly enriched by the many fine donations of materials and contributions. The library is very grateful for these donations and through donors, has been able to acquire many important acquisitions that would not have been possible without such generous support.
Types of Donations

Cash: Memorials, Tributes, Dedications and other Gifts
Planned Giving / Bequests:
Discussing the purpose of any donation with the Director is welcome at your convenience.
Cash gifts as memorials, or for other purposes, are accepted for the purchase of library materials.
The general subject or type of materials may be suggested by the donor, and our professional staff will make every effort to select titles
based on the donor’s choices along with the Library’s needs.
We are excited to announce the Jetmore Public Library’s Birthday Book Club. To become a member, simply purchase a book and donate it to the library in the name of a friend or family member! You will receive a birthday card to present to your friend announcing that a book has been given to the library in his or her name! A personalized bookplate will be placed in the book with your friend’s name and birth date, listing you as the book-giver! The birthday recipient will be the first to check out the new book! We will also display their picture in the library (and on social media) holding their Birthday Book! The Birthday Book will remain in the library in your friend’s honor and be available for check-out.

The Director is happy to discuss a wide selection of books for you to choose from: some are new titles; others may serve as replacements for well-loved books that will be (or need to be) retired from the library! Adults are welcome to buy from the Birthday Book Club as well!
Thanks to everyone who helps the library
through contributions of any kind.
We appreciate your support!!!